After that we went to this BEAUTIFUL Japanese garden where my family and i got to experience our first Japanese Tea Ceremony. Heres the garden pictures.
These flowers are called wisteria i think. O-M-G they
smell SO good!
This tree is extremely old, i forgot how old exactly but i
think its about 700 years old....
I thought this light was cool so i took a picture.
Here are the tea ceremony pictures. It was really cool.
They gave you these really awesome sweets. Then after
that, you drink your tea. They give you step by step
directions on how to do so.
The tea wasnt like most green tea, this was different and
more pure kind i guess. It had foam on top. I did not like
this tea, it had no sugar, but the sweet that it came with
helped, but still....i didnt like it buuuut i drank it all out
of respect. :)
After all of that, we went on a boat ride. We went under
13 bridges. I got a picture of all of them i think....maybe
12. There was this really adorable little asian boy. He
looked about 4 years old. He was too cute! i wanted to
give him a hug so badly but since i didnt know him and
didnt want to freak him out, i refrained from doing so.
He spoke mandrin. I could understand a little of what he
was saying but not much. I could tell that he was asking
alot of questions though. Ha-ha just like a kid.
Isn't my family just BEAUTIFUL!? lol.
this boat looked like it had too much junk in the trunk.
when the boat went to go park, i saw this wall i thought
was cool
After that, we went to Ginza to get some money exchanged
then we went next door to this mall/restaurant. IT-WAS-SO
CLEAN!! You could just lay down on the floors! lick em if you
wanted to!! but anyway :) we arrived at this sushi restaurant.
All the sushi we ordered was completely fresh! Nothing from
target or costco. lol. Everything was delicious. I was kinda afraid
to eat the pieces of raw fish that were really big. I've never eaten
a big piece before, but i sucked it up and ate it anyway and....I
actually liked it :). I also had miso soup with white radish and
green onion. o_0 that was pretty good too!
I ate this egg custard. It was......okay, but i ate most of it
anyway and the i got to the bottom, all this stuff started
popping up. There was crab, a certain type of mushroom,
a potato thingy, and something called a ginko nut. I liked
all the surprises at the end of the cup. Im glad i ate it to
see what was all in there. lol.
After that i stood outside for a bit and people watched, since
i tend to do that alot. I saw lotz of cute/cool clothes and shoes.
The Japanese have style ;) (see! i TOLD you i belonged there!!)
Later on we went to Shibuya where i went shopping YEA! \_^_^_/
Those stores were EXPENSIVE though 0_0 so i just got a few shirts.
While i was in one of the stores, i noticed these cute high heels on
someone. The entire outfit was kinda slutty though. the 5 inch heels
were paired with fish net stockings and booty shorts. I looked up at
the long-legged person and noticed that she looked rather...manly.
Well thats because it WAS a man. LOLOLOL never seen i cross
dresser before...that was an adult. but...anyway, it was getting
late and everyone was really tired so we headed back to the hotel.
More Pictures From Earlier That Day
we went to the tokyo tower. this is what it looks like up close.
It was REALLY windy that day
This is at the hotel
you could see these buildings from my room
Oooooooo look at me! i am SO expensive. But whoever
made me has really good taste in watches!
my family and i
the breakfast i had that morning
salmon, candied saury, and rice. yum
poached egg.
the other restaurant (we werent at that one)
another one of the shops
the place i call the living room
my mom took this pic when we were in the elevator
shopping bags
their cars are cute. why cant we have cute police cars and
beautiful blue taxis instead of that yucky orange and yellow
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